Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Qualia Logic to Temporal Logic

Qualia Logic to Temporal Logic In classical propositional calculus a sentence may be mapped to truth values T or else F. Suppose we want to communicate what it is like to experience quale. Qualia are ineffable and lie beyond the resources of language. So they are neither true nor false. Take the state of affairs of making an assertion and experiencing a quale. Give it the truth value (T, i) or else (F, i) (i for ineffable). If p is ineffable and q is either T or F then p-and-q is ineffable too. If p has truth value (T, i) and q has truth value (T, i) then p-and-q has truth value (T, i). Etc. I might give the sentence p = “I am aware of the color green and it is pretty.” truth value (T, i). However another person cannot verify the truth value. Thus the truth table for qualia is contextual. One application of this logic is to start with a theory about the qualia of experiencing temporal becoming, apply the logic of qualia, and see what logic of time results. (1)

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